Medical Marijuana for Qualified Fibromyalgia Patients in the State of Ohio

The Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program (OMMCP) states that fibromyalgia is among the qualifying medical conditions under Ohio law.

With a qualified doctor’s recommendation, patients can obtain a medical marijuana card to purchase medical marijuana products from dispensaries across the state.

To get started with the application, head on over to our Ohio page and fill out TeleLeaf RX form online.

Fibromyalgia Status in Ohio

Although there is no definitive surveillance report on fibromyalgia in Ohio, a 2015 report stated that the condition was most prevalent among U.S. citizens living in the Midwest region, including Ohio.

The 2015 study highlighted the 2012 National Health Interview Survey where participants included 23.4% from the Midwestern population. Among these Midwestern participants, 36.9% had fibromyalgia, which was more than the combined participants from the Northeastern, Southern, and Western states.

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a recurring chronic illness causing widespread muscle and joint pain. This condition also causes sleep problems and fatigue, leading to emotional and mental distress.

Although there is no known cause, experts cite stress, poor sleeping habits, and genetics as common factors that incline people to develop the disease. Fibromyalgia patients can adopt lifestyle changes and undergo therapy for relief since there is no known cure for the condition.

About 4 million U.S. adults (2% of the adult population) have fibromyalgia. However, the condition affects people of all ages.

Basic Information About Fibromyalgia

Experts believe that fibromyalgia causes pain by affecting how the brain and spinal cord processes pain signals. As the condition deteriorates the body’s natural ability to perceive pain, the patient experiences widespread pain. The pain then leads to fatigue, sleep problems, memory issues, and mood disorders.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that women are twice more likely to have fibromyalgia than men. Although the condition is most common among middle-aged women, fibromyalgia affects anyone.

Risk factors for developing fibromyalgia include having lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A family history of having fibromyalgia also increases a patient’s chances of developing the condition.

Types of Fibromyalgia

The difference of fibromyalgia is based on the various pain associated with the condition.

Common fibromyalgia pain includes:

Abdominal Pain: Fibromyalgia patients tend to experience digestive disorders, particularly irritable bowel syndrome. This pain includes constipation, pelvic pain, diarrhea, and nausea.

Allodynia: Some fibromyalgia patients may experience pain on their skin at the mildest touches. This hypersensitivity turns slight pressure into intense pain.

Joint Pain: Swelling and pain in the jaw exist in some fibromyalgia patients.

Myofascial Pain: This persistent pain affects muscles and soft tissues, which fibromyalgia patients may describe as stiff throbbing all over their body.

Neuropathic Pain: Fibromyalgia patients may describe their pain as neuropathic, such as burning, crawling, and tingling sensations.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

Although experts do not know what exactly causes fibromyalgia, researchers agree that a change in a person’s brain and spinal cord affects how fibromyalgia patients perceive pain.

Experts believe that the changes in the brain and spinal cord may be related to the following:

Genetics: Fibromyalgia runs in families, making experts believe in genetic mutations predisposing certain people to the disease.

Infections: Experts cite some illnesses that can trigger fibromyalgia, including viruses that cause influenza and hepatitis B and C.

Trauma: Physical and emotional events such as car accidents and PTSD may trigger fibromyalgia.

Impact on Lifestyle of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia leads to an overall lower quality of life.

People living with the condition may develop complications including:

Major Depression: Fibromyalgia patients are three times more prone to developing major depression than adults without the condition.

Rheumatic Conditions: Adults with fibromyalgia may develop other arthritis forms, such as ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Higher Death Rate: Fibromyalgia patients have higher death rates, specifically from suicide and injuries. However, fibromyalgia is generally non-fatal. The overall mortality rate among adults living with fibromyalgia matches the general population’s death rate.

Experts recommend physical activity to help improve life quality while living with fibromyalgia.

Adults may consider walking, swimming, or biking as simple activities to keep the body active and reduce fibromyalgia’s risk of worsening. Regular exercise also helps prevent the development of other chronic illnesses, including lupus and heart disease.

Overview of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Experts commonly associate widespread chronic pain with fibromyalgia. Patients who develop the condition may begin feeling pain across their entire body.

Most patients may feel the widespread pain concentrated in their back or legs.

Fibromyalgia patients- Other common symptoms associated with fibromyalgia include:

● Anxiety
● Depression
● Fatigue
● Headaches and migraines
● Impaired concentration
● Memory problems
● Sleep problems
● Trouble thinking

Uncommon fibromyalgia symptoms may include:

● Abdominal pain
● Bloating
● Constipation
● Irritable bowel syndrome
● Numbness in the hands and feet
● Pain in the face and jaw

Types of Fibromyalgia Treatments

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three medicines to treat pain associated with fibromyalgia:

Pregabalin: The first FDA-approved drug for fibromyalgia treatment, approved in June 2007. Initially, the FDA approved this drug for treating seizures and nerve pain. This drug may cause side effects, including blurry vision, concentration problems, dizziness, dry mouth, sleepiness, swelling, and weight gain.

Duloxetine Hydrochloride: The FDA approved this drug for fibromyalgia treatment a year after the previous medicine’s approval. The FDA initially approved this medicine for anxiety, depression, and diabetic peripheral neuropathy treatment. Side effects include constipation, decreased appetite, dry mouth, nausea, sleepiness, and sweating.

Milnacipran HCI: The FDA approved this drug for fibromyalgia treatment in January 2009. It is the first of the three medicines initially approved for treating fibromyalgia. Although this medicine is primarily for fibromyalgia treatment, the drug may double as an antidepressant.

Prevention of Fibromyalgia

Experts may suggest the following preventive measures while they continue studying fibromyalgia’s underlying causes:

● Adopt healthy diets
● Constant exercise
● Get enough sleep
● Maintain a healthy weight
● Regulate stress
● Stay active

Connection Between Medical Marijuana and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia patients can qualify for medical cannabis treatment in Ohio. The state’s Medical Marijuana Control Program includes fibromyalgia among the qualifying conditions that allow certified doctors to recommend medical marijuana for treatment.

If you want to get a medical marijuana card for your fibromyalgia, apply through TeleLeaf RX’s HIPAA-compliant online platform today.

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